We-Are-Not-Targets.Pass Ab 618 and AB 953 gif
On Tuesday, April 21st, Assembly Bills 619 and 953 passed out of the Assembly Public Safety Committee of the California State Legislature.  Please help to get these bills through the rest of the Assembly and then the Senate, and finally signed into law by the Governor:
1. Join the statewide call tomorrow (and every Friday morning) to get involved, 11am415-795-9875 / Enter Code: 152513#.
2. Fill out the survey to share what your experiences are with law enforcement contact and use of force.  Go to the link at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZP2DTMM
3. Join the S.T.O.P. Coalition meetings to push for law enforcement transparency, community oversight and accountability in LA County every Tuesday night at 5:30pm.  Contact us for the meeting schedule and agenda – action@youth4justice.org.